This short film, produced by Spirit Juice Studios in collaboration with Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire ministry, offers a visually rich and spiritually stimulating missionary journey with Bishop Barron to London. Inspired by...
Warriors to Lourdes | 2023 Pilgrimage
The Knights of Columbus is a proud supporter and sponsor of the annual Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage. This life-changing encounter brings together wounded warriors from around the globe to find healing in Christ through the...
Everyday Heroes | Season 4 – Trevor Williams
The series Everyday Heroes chronicles extraordinary acts of charity and service carried out by individual Knights of Columbus around the world. In this episode, MLB player and Knight of Columbus Trevor Williams and his friend Cory Hahn tell...
A Moment with Jonathan Roumie
In this personal profile video, actor Jonathan Roumie reflects on his experience playing Jesus in the hit series The Chosen and the importance of the Knights of Columbus in the formation of his faith.
2022 Warriors to Lourdes
Lourdes is a special place where our Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette and water sprang up from the ground. Since that time has the water has continued flowing in this sacred place and has been a great...
Fr. Kapaun Comes Home
Fr. Emil Kapaun was a military chaplain who served in both World War II and the Korean War. He was imprisoned in the Korean war and died one on of the prison camps there. After countless years Fr. Kapaun's remains...
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