Tennessee Mountain Rescue

While taking his six-year-old son for a winter walk in the woods, Peter Nelson soon realized he was lost and unable to retrace his steps back to his truck. As an avid outdoorsman, he understood the predicament they were in as night began to approach. As authorities were dispatched to rescue Peter and his son, he called and asked one of his Brother Knights to pray for a Fr. McGivney miracle. The Knights mobilized a prayer network across the state for their safe return. Peter credits their successful rescue to his Brother Knights, their quick actions, and ultimately their prayers.

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2022 Warriors to Lourdes

Lourdes is a special place where our Blessed Mother appeared to St. Bernadette and water sprang up from the ground. Since that time has the water has continued flowing in this sacred place and has been a great...

Fr. Kapaun Comes Home

Fr. Emil Kapaun was a military chaplain who served in both World War II and the Korean War. He was imprisoned in the Korean war and died one on of the prison camps there. After countless years Fr. Kapaun's remains...